Términos y condiciones
El uso de este sitio web constituye su reconocimiento de haber leído y aceptado los términos y condiciones de uso aquí presentados. Si no acepta alguna parte de estos términos y condiciones, no debe acceder ni utilizar este sitio de ninguna manera.
Este sitio y todos sus contenidos son propiedad de IB REWARDS.NET con derechos de autor. Toda la información, texto, gráficos, software, imágenes y codificación (que juntos forman el "contenido") son propiedad de IB REWARDS.NET y/o de sus diversos proveedores externos. Ninguna parte de los contenidos puede reproducirse, modificarse, eliminarse, venderse, transferirse o distribuirse de otro modo sin el permiso expreso por escrito de IB REWARDS.NET y/o los proveedores externos correspondientes. Todas las marcas comerciales y nombres comerciales de IB REWARDS.NET utilizados en este sitio web o en relación con él seguirán siendo propiedad exclusiva de IB REWARDS.NET, y su uso de este sitio no se considerará como que le otorga ningún derecho sobre ninguna marca comercial de IB REWARDS.NET.
El contenido de este sitio es solo para uso personal. Solo puede utilizar este sitio y sus servicios asociados para realizar reservas y compras legítimas. Usted acepta que no utilizará este sitio ni a los representantes de IB REWARDS.NET para realizar reservas o compras falsas, fraudulentas o especulativas.
Gran parte de la información de este sitio es proporcionada por proveedores externos, y IB REWARDS.NET no acepta ninguna responsabilidad por errores, omisiones, inexactitudes o declaraciones engañosas que puedan aparecer en cualquier parte de este sitio, ya sea que hayan sido proporcionadas o no por proveedores externos.
Las líneas de cruceros, aerolíneas, hoteles, operadores turísticos, empresas de alquiler de automóviles y fabricantes de equipos y accesorios de viaje en este sitio son proveedores externos, y IB REWARDS.NET no tiene control alguno sobre sus acciones o inacciones. IB REWARDS.NET no es responsable por el incumplimiento de un tercero, el incumplimiento del contrato o cualquier acción, intencional o negligente, que resulte en pérdidas, lesiones, demoras o daños a usted o a su propiedad o a cualquier persona que viaje con usted, o a la propiedad de esa parte. IB REWARDS.NET no puede garantizar ni garantiza las reservas de proveedores externos, la puntualidad, la conducta de los empleados o el desempeño de los vuelos, cruceros o recorridos programados, ni la disponibilidad de habitaciones de hotel o coches de alquiler, entradas a monumentos o atracciones u otros servicios. Usted reconoce que, al recibir la tarifa por parte de un proveedor externo, el proveedor acepta al pasajero sujeto a los términos del contrato del proveedor. Usted reconoce y acepta que la responsabilidad de IB REWARDS.NET por los daños incurridos por usted o cualquier otra persona debido a la pérdida o daño a la propiedad o por lesiones corporales o muerte o de otro modo se limita al monto bruto pagado por usted a IB REWARDS.NET, y que IB REWARDS.NET no será responsable ante usted por ningún daño especial, consecuente y/o punitivo que resulte de la negligencia, negligencia grave, incumplimiento de contrato, fraude o cualquier otra causa de IB REWARDS.NET o de un tercero. También acepta renunciar a cualquier reclamación por daños que de otro modo podría tener derecho a presentar contra IB REWARDS.NET por daños o pérdida de propiedad o por muerte o lesiones corporales cuando los daños estén cubiertos por un seguro, y acepta además que ninguna compañía de seguros ni ningún otro tercero tendrá derecho a presentar ninguna reclamación que usted tenga contra IB REWARDS.NET, por subrogación, cesión o de otro modo.
Después de la compra, se le enviará una confirmación por correo electrónico dentro de las 72 horas. Esta confirmación constituye su reconocimiento de que ha leído y acepta los términos y condiciones de uso presentados en este documento. Esta confirmación contiene el acuerdo completo entre las partes y reemplaza todas y cada una de las confirmaciones o entendimientos previos entre las partes sobre todos los temas relacionados de cualquier manera con la transacción o el hecho descrito en esta confirmación. No existen entendimientos, declaraciones, promesas o incentivos orales contrarios o incompatibles con los términos de esta confirmación. Esta confirmación no está sujeta a ninguna modificación, renuncia o adición que se realice de forma oral. Esta confirmación está sujeta a modificación, exención o adición únicamente mediante una nueva confirmación que se enviará por correo electrónico al pasajero registrado dentro de las 72 horas posteriores a cualquier cambio acordado.
IB REWARDS.NET no garantiza el contenido de este sitio en cuanto a precisión, no infracción, comerciabilidad, integridad o idoneidad para un propósito particular. Se rechazan todas las garantías del mismo, ya sean expresas o implícitas. En ningún caso IB REWARDS.NET será responsable de ninguna pérdida, daño, lesión, reclamo o cualquier daño especial, punitivo o consecuente de ningún tipo que surja del uso de este sitio, incluso si IB REWARDS.NET ha sido informado de la posibilidad de tales daños. En el caso de que su estado no permita la exclusión o limitación de garantías implícitas o la exclusión o limitación de daños incidentales o consecuentes, las exclusiones anteriores pueden no aplicarse en su caso.
Este acuerdo se regirá por las leyes del estado de España y la Unión Europea, y usted acepta someterse a la jurisdicción exclusiva de los tribunales de Palma de Mallorca en España, en todas las contingencias y disputas que surjan de su uso de este sitio.
IB REWARDS.NET se reserva el derecho de cambiar cualquier aspecto de este sitio, o de modificar, agregar o cancelar cualquiera de estos términos y condiciones. Usted acepta cumplir con los términos y condiciones vigentes en el momento de su uso.
IB REWARDS.NET se reserva el derecho de restringir o cancelar su acceso a este sitio si, a su exclusivo criterio, IB REWARDS.NET cree que la conducta del usuario viola alguna ley aplicable o es perjudicial para IB REWARDS.NET para cualquier proveedor externo.
Si alguna disposición de estos términos y condiciones se considera inaplicable, dicha disposición se aplicará en la máxima medida de la ley aplicable y no afectará la aplicabilidad de las disposiciones restantes.
Los términos y condiciones anteriores representan el acuerdo completo entre usted y IB REWARDS.NET.
These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of IB RREWARDS's Website, located at https://www.ibrewards.net.
By accessing this website, we assume you accept these terms and conditions. Do not continue to use IBREWARDS.NET if you do not agree to take all of the terms and conditions stated on this page.
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We may use cookies to collect, store, and track information for statistical or marketing purposes to operate our website. You have the ability to accept or decline optional Cookies. There are some required Cookies that are necessary for the operation of our website. These cookies do not require your consent as they always work. Please keep in mind that by accepting required Cookies, you also accept third-party Cookies, which might be used via third-party provided services if you use such services on our website, for example, a video display window provided by third parties and integrated into our website.
Unless otherwise stated, IB RREWARDS and/or its licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on IBREWARDS.NET. All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may access this from IBREWARDS.NET for your own personal use subjected to restrictions set in these terms and conditions.
Use of this web site constitutes your acknowledgement that you have read, and agree to, the terms and conditions of use presented herein. If you do not agree to any part of these terms and conditions, you must not access or use this site in any way.
This site and all of its contents are the copyrighted property of IB REWARDS.NET. All information, text, graphics, software, images and coding (together comprising the "contents") are the property of IB REWARDS.NET and/or its various third-party providers. No part of the contents may be reproduced, modified, removed, sold, transferred, or otherwise distributed without the express written permission of IB REWARDS.NET /or the applicable third-party providers. All IB REWARS.NET trademarks and trade names used on or in connection to this web site shall remain the exclusive property of IB REWARDS, and your use of this site shall not be deemed to give you any rights in or to any trademarks of IB REWARDS.
The contents of this site are for personal use only. You may only use this site and its attendant services to make legitimate reservations and purchases. You agree that you will not use this site or the representatives of IB REWARDS.NET to make false or fraudulent or speculative reservations or purchases.
Much of the information on this site is supplied by third party providers, and IB REWARDS.NET accepts no responsibility for errors, omissions, inaccuracies or misleading statements which may appear anywhere on this site, whether or not they were supplied by third party providers.
The cruise lines, airlines, hotels, tour operators, car rental companies, and travel gear and accessory manufacturers on this site are third party providers, and IB REWARDS has no control whatsoever over their actions or inactions. IB REWARDS.NET is not responsible for third party failure to perform, breach of contract, or any action, intentional or negligent, which results in any loss, injury, delay or damage to you or your property or to anyone traveling with you, or to the property of that party. IB REWARDS.NET cannot and does not guarantee third party provider reservations, timeliness, employee conduct, or the performance of scheduled flights, cruises or tours, or the availability of hotel rooms or rental cars. You acknowledge that upon receipt of fare by third party provider, provider accepts the passenger subject to the terms of the provider contract. You acknowledge and agree that IB REWARDS.NET liability for damages incurred by you or anyone else from loss or damage to property or from bodily injury or death or otherwise is limited to the gross amount paid by you to IB REWARDS.NET, and that IB REWARDS.NET shall not be liable to you for any special, consequential and/or punitive damages resulting from either IB REWARDS.NET or a third-party's negligence, gross negligence, breach of contract, fraud, or any other cause whatsoever. You also agree to waive any claims for damages which you otherwise might be entitled to assert against IB REWARDS.NET for damage to or loss of property or for death or bodily injury when the damages are covered by insurance, and further agree that no insurance company or any other third party shall ever become entitled to assert any claim you have against IB REWARDS.NET, by subrogation, assignment, or otherwise.
After purchase, a confirmation will be emailed within 72 hours. This confirmation constitutes your acknowledgement that you have read, and agree to, the terms and conditions of use presented herein. This confirmation contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any and all prior confirmations or understandings between the parties on all subjects in any way related to the transaction or occurrence described in this confirmation. No oral understandings, statements, promises or inducements contrary to or inconsistent with the terms of this confirmation exist. This confirmation is not subject to any modification, waiver, or addition that is made orally. This confirmation is subject to modification, waiver or addition only by means of a new confirmation that will be emailed to the passenger of record within 72 hours of any agreed upon change.
IB REWARDS.NET does not warrant the contents of this site as to accuracy, non-infringement, merchantability, completeness or fitness for a particular purpose. All warranties thereof, either express or implied, are disclaimed. In no event shall IB REWARDS be liable for any loss, damage, injury, claim or any special, punitive or consequential damages of any kind arising from use of this site, even if IB REWARDS.NET has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In the event that your state does not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, the above exclusions may not apply to you.
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Texas, and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts in Spain and European law, in all contingencies and disputes arising from your use of this site.
IB REWARS.NET reserves the right to change any aspect of this site, or to modify, add, or cancel any of these terms and conditions. You agree to abide by whatever terms and conditions are in effect at the time of your use.
IB REWARDS.NET reserves the right to restrict or terminate your access to this site if, in its sole discretion, IB REWARDS.NET believes user conduct violates any applicable law or is harmful to IB REWARDS.NET or to any third-party provider.
If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be unenforceable, such provision shall still be fully enforced of applicable law and shall not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions.
The foregoing terms and conditions represent the entire agreement between you and IB REWARDS.NET
Reservation of Rights:
We reserve the right to request that you remove all links or any particular link to our Website. You approve to immediately remove all links to our Website upon request. We also reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions and its linking policy at any time. By continuously linking to our Website, you agree to be bound to and follow these linking terms and conditions.
Removal of links from our website:
If you find any link on our Website that is offensive for any reason, you are free to contact and inform us at any moment. We will consider requests to remove links, but we are not obligated to or so or to respond to you directly.
We do not ensure that the information on this website is correct. We do not warrant its completeness or accuracy, nor do we promise to ensure that the website remains available or that the material on the website is kept up to date.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties, and conditions relating to our website and the use of this website. Nothing in this disclaimer will:
Limit or exclude our or your liability for death or personal injury;
Limit or exclude our or your liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
Limit any of our or your liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law; or
Exclude any of our or your liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.
The limitations and prohibitions of liability set in this Section and elsewhere in this disclaimer: (a) are subject to the preceding paragraph; and (b) govern all liabilities arising under the disclaimer, including liabilities arising in contract, in tort, and for breach of statutory duty.
As long as the website and the information and services on the website are provided free of charge, we will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature.